Volunteer at JFK Memorial

Are you looking to make a difference in the lives of others? Look no further. Volunteer at JFK Memorial Hospital for the satisfaction of knowing you are helping others feel supported and cared for in your own community.

Our volunteers play an important role to help shape a positive experience for our patients, their loved ones and our hospital staff. Join us and discover how volunteering at JFK Memorial Hospital can enrich your life.

Giving Back to the Community

The JFK Volunteer Program, supervised by the Human Resources Department, is seeking English and Spanish-speaking adults who are 18-years or older and chaplains who share a common interest in helping others. The hospital also offers a VolunTeen program during summer break for youth over age 16 who meet academic requirements.

Volunteer positions may be available in such areas as: Errands & Escort, Emergency Department, Information Desk, Nursing Stations, Patient & Visitor hospitality; Special Programs; Spiritual Support.

To learn more about becoming a volunteer at JFK Memorial Hospital, call 760-775-8097 or email [email protected]

Volunteer at JFK Memorial

Please note: Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate people attempting to fulfill court-ordered community service requirements.

JFK Memorial Hospital Volunteer Application

Please complete this application form if you are interested in becoming a JFK Memorial Hospital volunteer in either our Adult or Teen programs. Once you complete the form, click the submit button at the bottom.

All fields with asterisk (*) are required.

Name and Address

Demographic Information


Please indicate the days and times you are usually available to volunteer.
Please indicate the days and times you are usually available to volunteer. *

Enter start time

Enter end time

Enter total time

Previous Volunteer Service

Emergency Contacts

Please Read Carefully!

I understand that I am volunteering at JFK Memorial Hospital and the information provided is true and correct and has been given voluntarily. As part of the agreement, I will be able to work at least (4) hours per week for a period of (6) months or more.

I agree to hold absolutely confidential all information which I may obtain directly or indirectly concerning patients, doctors, or personnel, and not seek confidential information in regard to a patient.

I will make the commitment to:

  • Be punctual and conscientious
  • Willingly follow the instruction of my supervisor
  • Be responsible for fulfilling my commitment to the hospital
  • Conduct myself with dignity, courtesy, and consideration of others
  • Take any problems, criticisms, or suggestions to the Director of Volunteer Services if unable to resolve with my supervisor
  • Endeavor to make my work professional in quality
  • Uphold the philosophy and standards of the hospital and interpret them to the community at large

The Volunteer Services Department reserves the right to terminate a volunteer for:

  • Failure to comply with hospital policies, rules, and regulations
  • Continuous absences without prior notification
  • Unsatisfactory attitude, work, or appearance
  • Breach of confidentiality
  • Falsification of time records

My services are donated to JFK Memorial Hospital without contemplation of compensation or future employment and given with humanitarian, religious or charitable reasons. I will not hold DRMC responsible for any claim or damage as a result of injury, illness or other harmful effects or conditions that may arise related to the volunteer services performed. I authorize JFK Memorial Hospital to give emergency medical treatment to me if ever needed.

I Agree *